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By Brianne Jones, RDH


Colorado Children's Dental Center is finally re-opening!!

As some of you may already know, CCDC is finally allowed to re-open.  We are spending the next 2 weeks offering families with dental emergencies and families who had a missed appointment, during the mandatory shutdown, the opportunity to be seen.  Starting May 12th, we will begin seeing patients at their regularly scheduled time.  Someone from the office will be reaching out to confirm those of you with upcoming appointments.
For the next 2-3 months, CCDC will be offering extended hours and days to help ensure that our dental families can be seen in a timely manner.  Since our state-mandated closure began on March 17th, Dr. Jones' cell phone has been available on our office's voicemail 24/7 for any family experiencing a dental emergency.  As of now, our office voicemail will go back to providing the on-call dentist phone number for after-hours emergencies (which, depending on the day, may or may not be Dr. Jones).
Part of re-opening means taking new safeguards to protect our patients, their families, and our staff from the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.  Rest assured that we have met and exceed anything that the Department of Regulations or the American Dental Association has asked of any dental office.  Some of these changes that we will have for the time being include:
1. To help eliminate "gathering" at the front desk, we are asking for all insurance changes, health history changes or address updates to be noted over the phone (or by email) whenever possible.
2. Pagers.  CCDC will be handing out pagers upon checking in for your appointment.  This allows each family the option of staying in our waiting room or returning to the car until their appointment time.  This will minimize people in our waiting and office areas.

3. Waiting Room.  We know our waiting room is super fun for your kiddos, but for the time being, we are removing the toys to help prevent the spread of germs. Please plan accordingly.
4. Private Rooms.  Each family will be placed in a private room during ALL appointments...the open bay area of our office will remain closed for now.
5. Sanitation.  All sanitation protocols always have been and will continue to be a top priority. Hand sanitizer will be placed throughout the office and in each room that you may be in.
6. Arrows.  Please make note of our NEW traffic flow indicators placed throughout the office to help keep social distancing within our office.
7.  Masks.  Unfortunately, all of our staff will be in masks throughout the day to keep everyone safe. Please remind your child that it is the same friendly faces underneath! Please do your part and wear masks when entering and exiting our facility.
8. Healthy.  If any staff member or person that they live with is sick, they will not be allowed to come to our office for a minimum of 14 days.  We ask that if you or someone in your family is sick, PLEASE call to reschedule your appointment a minimum of two weeks later. 

9.  Limit the number of people.  We ask that you only bring children who are scheduled for an appointment and that only one parent come to the back clinic area for appointments.
Depending on when your next appointment is scheduled, some of these changes at CCDC may still be in place.  Like other businesses, we will be monitoring the COVID-19 response to determine when we may be able to lift some of these modifications to your child's appointment.  We've been so excited to get back to work and have missed seeing you all. We thank you for your patience.
Dr. Jones