By Brianne Jones, RDH
When you arrive for your first dental visit, you and your child will be greeted warmly. If you have dental insurance, please bring that information with you so that our staff may assist in filing an electronic claim for you. We have some new patient forms on our website that you may fill out and bring with you to this appointment, or you may fill these forms out here at our office once you arrive.
Your child's first visit will begin with a friendly, caring introduction to our dental home; where lifelong relationships begin. During the visit we will discuss topics such as homecare instruction, nutrition counseling, growth & development evaluation, orthodontic evaluation as well as a comprehensive examination to identify any potential dental concerns.
You are always welcome to accompany your child at all times during your visits to our office.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry both recommend that a child's first dental visit be scheduled by his/her 1st birthday. This first visit establishes a positive relationship between the dentist, the child and the parent that will last through adolescence. Let your child know we encourage them to discuss any fear or anxiety that they are experiencing. You may also let your child know that the doctor and staff will explain everything in detail and answer any questions he/she might have.