By Brianne Jones, RDH
Colorado Children's Dental Center is finally re-opening!! |
By Brianne Jones, RDH - April 13, 2020
Dear CCDC Family,
We understand that you have been inundated with e-mails about COVID-19. This virus has been ever changing, as are the rules posted for our safety. Last week, we were given more information as it pertains to the latest order from Governor Polis who extended the "Stay at Home" order through April 26, 2020.
As a result, we anticipate CCDC remaining closed through the end of April. As always, urgent needs can be addressed by Dr Jones via phone. Please call our office for further details should your child need any urgent care.
If true dental emergencies arise, Dr Jones has been given strict guidelines in terms of in-person care that can be provided during this time.
We will continue to keep you updated with periodic emails in regards to extended closure ...or when we anticipate being able to re-open as more information presents itself to us.
Be safe and take care.
Dr. Jones
By Brianne Jones, RDH
What started out as an idea and a napkin drawing, has slowly made it's way into an architectural blueprint and a 3D rendering of the future building!
We have spent countless hours creating the perfect space for our dental family and cannot wait to watch it come to life!
The photo attached is an idea of how our ideas started coming together.